Leskoff IPA for English image 1 of 1
Leskoff IPA for English image 1 of 1
Leskoff IPA for English
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IPA for English

A poster of the IPA chart for English.
Tableau de l'API pour l'anglais / IPA-Tabelle für Englisch / Tabla de AFI para inglés / Tabela de AFI para inglês / Таблица МФА для английского / جدول الصوتيات الدولي للإنجليزية / 英语的国际音标表 / 英語の国際音声記号表

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A poster of the IPA chart for English (IPA: English).

  • Format: Poster, single-sided
  • Dimensions: 23.4 x 33.1 in (59.4 x 84.1 cm)
  • Weight: 0.2 lb (0.1 kg)
  • Language: English, English

This product's design and underlying technology are protected by applicable intellectual property laws. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution is prohibited.

See also


A bilingual dictionary for learning and translating Māori to English.


The Uzbek alphabet chart.


The Udmurt alphabet chart.


A poster of the cardinal directions in Finnish.


The Vietnamese alphabet chart.


All prices listed are in United States Dollars (USD). Visual representations of products are intended for illustrative purposes. Actual products may exhibit variations in color, texture, or other characteristics inherent to the manufacturing process.