Leskoff Cardinal Directions in Kildin Sámi image 1 of 1
Leskoff Cardinal Directions in Kildin Sámi image 1 of 1
Leskoff Cardinal Directions in Kildin Sámi
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Cardinal Directions in Kildin Sámi

A poster of the cardinal directions in Kildin Sámi.
Points cardinaux en same de Kildin / Himmelsrichtungen auf Kildin-Saamisch / Puntos cardinales en sami de Kildin / Pontos cardeais em sami de Kildin / Стороны света на кильдинском саамском / الاتجاهات الرئيسية في السامي الكيلدين / 基尔丁萨米语的基本方位 / キルディンサーミ語の基本方位

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A poster of the cardinal directions, also known as compass points, in Kildin Sámi (Эллмант пель). For ease of reference, the terms are indicated in both Kildin Sámi and English.

  • Format: Poster, single-sided
  • Dimensions: 23.4 x 33.1 in (59.4 x 84.1 cm)
  • Weight: 0.2 lb (0.1 kg)
  • Language: Kildin Sámi, English

This product's design and underlying technology are protected by applicable intellectual property laws. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution is prohibited.

See also


The Mandaic alphabet chart.


A poster of the cardinal directions in Latvian.


A poster showcasing the spiral of Theodorus.


A world map in Persian.


The Dinka alphabet chart.


All prices listed are in United States Dollars (USD). Visual representations of products are intended for illustrative purposes. Actual products may exhibit variations in color, texture, or other characteristics inherent to the manufacturing process.