Leskoff Caucasian Albanian Alphabet image 1 of 2Leskoff Caucasian Albanian Alphabet image 2 of 2
Leskoff Caucasian Albanian Alphabet image 1 of 2
Leskoff Caucasian Albanian Alphabet
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Caucasian Albanian Alphabet

The Caucasian Albanian alphabet chart.
Alphabet albanais du Caucase / Kaukasisch-albanisches Alphabet / Alfabeto albanés caucásico / Alfabeto albanês do Cáucaso / Кавказско-албанский алфавит / أبجدية البانية القوقازية / 高加索阿尔巴尼亚字母 / コーカサスアルバニア文字

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The Caucasian Albanian alphabet chart (the full set of letters).

  • Format: Poster, single-sided
  • Dimensions: 23.4 x 33.1 in (59.4 x 84.1 cm)
  • Weight: 0.2 lb (0.1 kg)
  • Language/Script: Caucasian Albanian, English

This product's design and underlying technology are protected by applicable intellectual property laws. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution is prohibited.

See also


An immersive collection of circuit symbols.


A poster of the days of the week in Russian.


The Spanish alphabet chart.


The Tongan alphabet chart.


A periodic table of the elements with atomic numbers, atomic weights, symbols, and names.


All prices listed are in United States Dollars (USD). Visual representations of products are intended for illustrative purposes. Actual products may exhibit variations in color, texture, or other characteristics inherent to the manufacturing process.