Leskoff Azerbaijani-Language Periodic Table image 1 of 2Leskoff Azerbaijani-Language Periodic Table image 2 of 2
Leskoff Azerbaijani-Language Periodic Table image 1 of 2
Leskoff Azerbaijani-Language Periodic Table
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Azerbaijani-Language Periodic Table

Tableau périodique en azéri / Periodensystem auf Aserbaidschanisch / Tabla periódica en azerí / Tabela periódica em azerbaijano / Периодическая таблица на азербайджанском / الجدول الدوري باللغة الأذربيجانية / 阿塞拜疆语元素周期表 / アゼルバイジャン語周期表
A periodic table in Azerbaijani.

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A periodic table in Azerbaijani (Kimyəvi elementlərin dövri sistemi). For ease of reference, the table also includes the element names in English.

  • Format: Poster, single-sided
  • Dimensions: 23.4 x 33.1 in (59.4 x 84.1 cm)
  • Weight: 0.2 lb (0.1 kg)
  • Language: Azerbaijani, English
  • Periodic table format: 18-column IUPAC

This product's design and underlying technology are protected by applicable intellectual property laws. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution is prohibited.

See also


Russian Morphemic Dictionary.


The Maltese alphabet chart.


The Massachusett alphabet chart.


A periodic table in Swedish.


The Vietnamese alphabet chart.


All prices listed are in United States Dollars (USD). Visual representations of products are intended for illustrative purposes. Actual products may exhibit variations in color, texture, or other characteristics inherent to the manufacturing process.